Articles About IMEI CHECKING

Invalid IMEI.

All Ways to Find the IMEI in iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro - news image on

All Ways to Find the IMEI in iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro

Every mobile phone in the world has a unique IMEI number (International Mobile Device Identifier). This number has many purposes, such as identifying the manufacturer or checking if anyone has ever reported the theft. IMEI numbers can also blacklist devices to keep them from working, making them useless in case of theft.

How to protect your smartphone against hackers ? - news image on

How to protect your smartphone against hackers ?

Modern smartphones can do more than computers 30 years ago, and more than some laptops today, at least in terms of versatility. This is great news for those of us who lead an active online lifestyle. But there's also bad news - hackers are now targeting smartphones to cause all kinds of problems. It is estimated that there are around 2 billion smartphones in the world and most of the store or connect to users' personal data.

Differences between IMEI and MEID - news image on

Differences between IMEI and MEID

The IMEI or MEID number for your mobile phone acts as a unique identifier for that device. No two devices will have the same IMEI or MEID, which makes it a very useful tool for tracking lost or stolen cell phones. You can quickly retrieve and record your phone's IMEI or MEID number in a variety of different ways, depending on your device. Look at this article and check what IMEI and MEID are, how to check it, and what you can use it for!

iPhone 12 - new device from Apple - news image on

iPhone 12 - new device from Apple

The premiere of the new iPhone is approaching. This is the moment all iPhone freaks long for. Less than two months before the launch of the iPhone 12, it's time to gather all the information in one place. We analyse the latest rumours about the new iPhone 12 for autumn 2020, and the features, design changes and tech specs you can expect when the handset is finally released. Let's look at our summary.

How To Check iPhone Warranty Status Online? - news image on

How To Check iPhone Warranty Status Online?

Warranty is one of the most important things when we are buying a smartphone. Let's look at this article and find out how to easily check Warranty Status on iPhone at our website!

How can OnePlus smartphone owners get the new Fortnite Bhangra Boogie emote? - news image on

How can OnePlus smartphone owners get the new Fortnite Bhangra Boogie emote?

Epic Games and OnePlus phones have teamed up to create a new exclusive emote with an Indian flair. Stay tuned and this guide will show you how.

How to clear the cache on iPhone & iPad? - news image on

How to clear the cache on iPhone & iPad?

Clearing your cache is a great way to speed up your iPhone (or iPad). Here's how to remove unwanted files and make your device perform at its best.

Charging phone by OPPO - news image on

Charging phone by OPPO

Dizzying speed, no cables, and compact dimensions. OPPO presents 3 new fast-charging technologies.