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Apple Watch IMEI 번호

유효하지 않은 IMEI.

Apple Watch의 IMEI를 찾는 방법은 무엇입니까? Apple Watch에 IMEI 번호가 있습니까? Apple Watch의 IMEI는 어디에서 찾을 수 있습니까? 다음은 Apple Watch 소유자가 묻는 가장 일반적인 질문 중 일부입니다. 이 짧은 가이드에서 이러한 질문에 대한 모든 답변과 몇 가지 추가 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다. 더 이상 기다리지 말고 Apple Watch 에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오!

Apple Watch

Anyone who owns an Apple Watch has probably already seen all its advantages, such as answering calls, and messages, a pedometer, family setup on Apple watch for kids, or other functions that come in handy in everyday life. On the other hand, are you sure you know everything about your smartwatch? Have you ever wondered where to find the IMEI number in case the need arises? No worries! In this short tutorial, you will learn how to find your Apple Watch's unique IMEI number. 

Recommended: Apple Watch Checker


First method

You can find your device’s IMEI or Serial Number by using this method when you have your Apple Watch around.

  1. First of all, go to the Settings app.
  2. Find and select General.
  3. Pick About icon.
  4. Scroll down to the very bottom of this menu and find your Serial Number and IMEI there.

Second method

The following option should be used in the event that you have lost or stolen your Apple Watch, but that you still have your iPhone with you.

  1. Begin with opening the Apple Watch app.
  2. Find and tap on the General icon.
  3. Then, select About.
  4. Excellent! Here you will find both IMEI and Serial Number for your Apple Watch.

Third method (serial number only)

Serial number can be also found on your watch case.

  1. If you have an Apple Watch Series 1 or later, Apple Watch Hermès, or Apple Watch Nike+, remove the band and check the band slot.
  2. If you own an Apple Watch 1st generation, take a look at the back of your watch where you will see an engraved serial number which can be found on the back.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change my Apple Watch IMEI?

  • Unfortunately, no. In a similar way to the chassis number on a vehicle, the IMEI is unique to the device it is assigned to when it is manufactured. Because it is hardcoded into the device, you cannot modify it.

Can all Apple products be identified by their IMEI?

Is it possible to find the IMEI of my Apple Watch without turning it on?

  • If you have an iPhone paired with your Apple Watch, you can use your iPhone to find the Apple Watch IMEI without having to turn it on.

Is it possible to track my missing Apple Watch using its IMEI number?

  • You cannot track a missing or stolen Apple Watch based solely on its IMEI number. In the event that you lose your watch, you may be able to locate it by using the Find My iPhone application.

Is it relevant for me to know my Apple Watch IMEI number?

  • In case your Apple Watch is locked to a specific carrier network, you can use the IMEI to request an unlock by using the IMEI. If your device has been stolen, you can ask your carrier to block it so no one can gain access to it as a result of the theft.

What information can I get from an IMEI?

  • In addition to providing valuable information about your device, the IMEI also contains information about the network of your device. This includes the country in which your device was manufactured and warranty information.

Do I have to worry about my Apple Watch IMEI being private?

  • Yes, you should keep this information to yourself, because it is an extremely valuable piece of information. Your IMEI can be reported as stolen if someone has your IMEI and someone with malicious intent has access to it. As a result, your device could be blocked, and you would have to undergo a lengthy process in order to unblock your device.


Apple Watch IMEI can be found relatively quickly and easily if you know where to look. If you have an Apple Watch or an iPhone paired with your Apple Watch, you could do this. Generally, all you need to do is find the Settings app and find the General settings option. From there, you will be able to read the About info which contains your Apple Watch IMEI number. We hope this guide was helpful to you.


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