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モバイル SEO の成功: 効果的なデータ分析のヒント

無効な IMEI です。

今日のデジタル主導の世界では、モバイル SEO をマスターすることは単なるオプションではなく、必須です。Google のモバイル ファースト インデックスの導入により、重点はモバイル ユーザー向けの最適化へと大きくシフトしました。このシフトにより、Web サイトのモバイル フレンドリー バージョンが、すべてのデバイスでの検索エンジン ランキングを決定する上で重要な役割を果たすようになりました。SERP のランクを上げ、増え続けるモバイル ユーザーのオーディエンスを魅了することを目指している場合は、効果的なモバイル SEO 分析を採用することが成功の鍵となります。このガイドでは、モバイル トラフィックの追跡と分析の基本を詳しく説明し、競争の激しいデジタル環境で成功するための実用的な洞察と最新のツールを提供します。戦略を洗練したい場合、ユーザー エクスペリエンスを強化したい場合、または単に広大なモバイル市場を理解したい場合でも、これらのヒントは、正確に分析して最適化するための知識を身に付けることができます。モバイル SEO の取り組みの可能性を最大限に引き出し、これまでにないほど多くのトラフィックを獲得しましょう。

Mobile SEO Analytics: Tracking and Analyzing Mobile Traffic Like a Pro

Mobile SEO

Not so long ago, Google revolutionized the world of search engine optimization forever by rolling out its new indexing tactic — mobile-first indexing. This tactic basically means that Google primarily focuses on the small-screen version of the site to determine your rankings for all devices, which has made mobile SEO a top priority for businesses and site owners. Simply put, after the release of this tactic, no site can achieve high positions in search engine result pages (SERPs) without being responsive and mobile-friendly.

However, though creating a responsive design and otherwise optimizing your pages for different screens is incredibly important for appearing high in SERPs, if you really want to outshine the competition and continuously grow your online presence, you also need to engage in mobile SEO analytics.

By regularly monitoring and assessing your performance, you can detect winning strategies and focus on them. Also, this gives you a chance to identify weak spots and improve your strategy to maximize the outcomes. As a result, regular analytics can help you get ahead of the competition and achieve your goals faster.

Luckily, handling analytics doesn’t have to be hard. Now, there are a wealth of mobile analytics tools that will help you with that. You can check out resources like to explore the best mobile SEO tools available now, compare them, and pick the right solutions for your needs. And read on to learn about the best tips for analyzing your site’s performance effectively!

Mobile Traffic Data in Numbers

If you are wondering what’s a big deal with adjusting your site for small screen sizes, fresh statistics speak for itself. As of 2024, more than 90% of the world’s population (7.41 billion people) are mobile users. This figure has grown significantly over the past decade, and it’s not projected to cease growing in the following years.

The growing number of phone owners isn’t the only data you should be aware of. Recent studies reveal that the share of traffic that comes from smartphones and tablets also grows rapidly — currently, it makes up 61.21% of all web traffic now.

To give you even more reasons to engage in responsive practices, we have to state that 92.3% of people prefer surfing the web via their phones. This is an impressive 9 in 10 people who go online. As for desktop users, their share is significantly lower — 65.6%.

The share of daily time people spend on the web also fluctuates based on the device type. Here’s a little statistic:

  • 16-24 years old — Spend 61.9% of their time on the web using smartphones and tablets vs. 38.1% using computers;
  • 25-34 years old — 58.85% vs. 41.15%;
  • 35-44 years old — 56.5% vs. 43.5%;
  • 45-54 years old — 54.1% vs. 45.9%;
  • 55-64 years old — 51.1% vs. 48.9%.

All this data shows that mobile traffic is huge and continues to grow. Respectively, as the majority of people prefer to spend more time online on their smartphones and tablets, search engines want to prioritize their needs. And this leads us to the growing importance of creating a solid mobile SEO strategy and continuously improving it to capture all these potential visitors and leads.

Now, let’s move on to practical tips for tracking mobile traffic and refining your strategy!

Top 8 Metrics to Keep in Mind During Mobile Traffic Analysis

To perform a mobile SEO audit, you have to decide on the primary performance indicators and metrics that resonate with your current position in search engines and long-term goals. These metrics can be slightly different for some site owners and businesses. But here’s a list of the basic indicators that will help you get on the right track:

1. Responsiveness

First of all, your site’s performance on different screens starts with its responsiveness. Use this metric to see how easily your pages adjust to users’ devices and whether they function properly in all cases. If there are poor responsiveness indicators, analyze what exactly causes errors and fix them to improve your user experience and rankings.

2. Loading Speed

The next point of focus is site speed. Though some beginners may not know this, loading speed is one of the three factors described in Google’s Core Web Vitals. All three metrics are direct ranking factors and greatly affect your rankings. Hence, you should regularly monitor your site’s speed and ensure that it meets the benchmark of 2.5 seconds or less.

3. Mobile Traffic

While the two previous metrics determine the technical performance of your site, this one is all about your SEO. It constitutes the total number of visits you receive from organic search. You can set up to monitor this metric for specific devices to see how many people see your site in SERPs and visit it.

4. Bounce Rate

This metric indicates the number of visitors who drop off your site after checking out only one page, the one they initially landed on. High bounce rates are strong indicators of internal site issues, such as content quality, responsiveness, and other things that can hinder visitors’ desire to stay on your site longer.

5. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The next performance indicator you must keep an eye on is CTR. This metric constitutes the total percentage of users who clicked on your site in SERPs. By looking at it, you can analyze how your position in SERPs affects people’s decision to click and assess the impact of your meta title and description.

6. Conversion Rate

This factor enables you to see how many visitors complete your target action (e.g., buy a product, subscribe to a newsletter, etc.). This metric can help you evaluate the impact of your content, marketing assets, and calls to action.

7. Session Duration

If you want to understand how engaging your content and site in general are, you should look at the session duration metric. It demonstrates the average time users spend on your pages. In simple words, the more time their sessions last, the more engaged users get and, respectively, the more likely they are to convert.

8. Device Type

Finally, if you want to make the most out of your mobile site optimization efforts, you also have to measure the types of devices and screen resolutions that visitors use when accessing your site. Knowing these insights can help you fine-tune your design and make it even more responsive.

Tips for Mobile User Behavior Analysis

Understanding how your site performs is good for adjusting your SEO tactic. However, knowing how your users interact with your website can open you up to an even larger number of insights that should help you make data-driven decisions to improve user experience, engagement, and, of course, your brand reputation and rankings.

The easiest way to analyze visitors’ behavior is with the help of Behavior Flow reports. Behavior Flow is one of the analytic tools available in Google Analytics. To use it, you need to create an Analytics account and install the Google Analytics script into your site.

Once you do this, you can log into your account and find the “Behavior” tab from your dashboard. In this tab, you will see a wealth of data, including:

  • The total number of sessions with your starting page (the first page a visitor lands on) and the number of drop-offs — visitors who leave after only viewing your starting page;
  • The number of sessions and drop-offs for your first engagement page — the page a visitor goes to after the starting page;
  • A visualization of a path users take on your site (i.e., their flow from one page to another).

All in all, a Behavior Flow report can showcase a wealth of valuable information. At first, it might seem a little complicated. However, you can always get help from professional SEO services or figure this out on your own. And when you get used to this type of analysis, it can help you spot critical errors in your page's performance and ensure longer session durations and better conversions and sales by eliminating these mistakes.

Once you collect the data about users’ paths, take time to analyze them, detect similarities, and outline possible challenges that hold your visitors back from converting. Based on this data, develop desired user paths and optimize your strategy accordingly to ensure that more users take a desired path.

Tracking Mobile Keyword Rankings

Apart from the metrics we shared with you earlier, mobile keyword rankings must be one more focus point in your site analysis.

Needless to say, keywords are at the heart of every search engine optimization strategy. After all, these are the search terms by which users find your site, content, and products on the internet. So, you definitely want to know how you perform for your target keywords in order to know what needs to be changed to achieve greater results.

To analyze your rankings, follow these steps:

  • Compare available mobile SEO tools for rank tracking and pick the most reliable one;
  • Enter your site, location, language, and devices for which you want to track rankings into the tool;
  • List the target keywords that you want to analyze;
  • See and analyze various data concerning your keyword rankings, including the position you take in SERPs for every keyword, the total search volume, and the estimated traffic you can gain.

Conduct this analysis regularly to see how your rankings change for different keywords. Consistently refine your strategy based on the obtained data. For example, you can test and improve the impact of your landing pages, enhance the responsiveness of specific pages, etc. Or you can delegate this task to reputable mobile SEO services if you need extra help.


The role smartphones and tablets play in our daily lives is huge today. These small and powerful devices have made it simpler for us to go online and browse the internet on the go. And as the number of their users grows, so does the amount of traffic that comes from these gadgets.

Due to the huge share of all traffic taken by smartphones and tablets, optimization for different screen sizes has become one of the most crucial aspects of SEO. At the same time, detailed analytics of the outcomes of this optimization remains the key to success.

After reading our guide, you should know everything about the importance of mobile SEO audit and the specific stages it consists of. Use the data and tips we shared with you here to start measuring your mobile traffic data like a pro and achieve higher positions in SERPs, enhanced traffic, and overall better user experience!


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