Bagaimana Cara Memperbaiki Audio dan Video yang Tidak Sinkron?

IMEI tidak valid.

Audio dan video harus sinkron dengan benar untuk menawarkan pengalaman terbaik. Namun, beberapa kali hal ini mungkin tidak terjadi karena masalah sinkronisasi sehingga dapat mengganggu dan membuat frustrasi sehingga menghambat pengalaman.

So, if you too are finding your audio leading or lagging the video and clueless about the reasons and solutions, this blog is for you. In the following parts of the topics, we will run you through the possible reasons and the ways on how to fix audio and video out-of-sync issues.

Part 1. Why Is My Audio/Video Out of Sync?

There can be multiple reasons that might lead to audio and video syncing issues. So if to too want answers on why is my audio/video out of sync, some of the major and common ones can be checked as below.

  • Issues with streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, and more.
  • Slow and fluctuating internet connection and other net-related issues
  • Corrupted or outdated device drivers
  • Browser cache that is corrupted
  • Improper playback device settings
  • Hardware acceleration issues
  • Inappropriate sound settings

Part 2. Is There a Way to Fix Audio and Video Out of Sync?

A lot of users ask “is there a way to fix audio and video out of sync”?

Several troubleshooting methods can be tried to fix audio and video out of sync, but there is no assurance that your issue getting resolved. So, if you are looking for a sure-shot solution we recommend using a professional software called 4DDiG File Repair-Video Repair. This is a versatile Windows and Mac-based AI-powered video repair software that can help you fix all types of video-related issues including video and audio sync, corrupted files, distorted videos, and more. The software supports all key file formats and the process of fixing file issues is quick and simple.

Key features of 4DDiG File Repair-Video Repair

  • AI-powered video repair tool available for Windows and Mac
  • Support to all key file formats including MP4, 3GP, SWF, AVIm MKV, M4V, and others.
  • Allows fixing all video-related issues including video and audio sync, grainy videos, fuzzy videos, and more
  • Allows enhancing video quality by up to 8K.
  • Black & white videos can be restored and converted to colored files using AI technology
  • Support to a wide range of storage media including HDD, USB flash drives, SD cards, and more.
  • Allows fixing key video playback error codes like xc00d36c4, 224003, 232011, and others.

Steps to fix audio and video out of sync using 4DDiG File Repair-Video Repair

Step 1. Install the 4DDiG File Repair-Video Repair software on your system and the main interface click on Video Repair from the left-side panel. Choose Fix Video  Errors from the right-side main menu and tap on the Start button.

Step 2. Tap on Add Video(s) to browse and import the video file having syncing issues. Multiple files can be added here. All the files will be added to the repair queue.

Step 3. Next, tap on the Start Repair button for the software to identify and start the file repair function.

Step 4. After the process is complete, the fixed files will appear under the Repaired Results tab and can be reviewed by clicking on the View Results button.

Step 5. Finally, when your files are fixed as needed, choose to Export and save the selected files to your system.

Part 3. FAQs

  1. Can HDMI Cable Cause Audio Video Sync Problems?

Yes, HDMI cable can be one of the causes resulting in audio video sync problems as it is an external device. So you can try replacing the existing cable with a new one and check if it can help resolve the issue.

  1. How to Avoid Video Sync Problem?

There are several ways by which you can try avoiding video sync problems. Some of these include using a fast internet connection, keeping the system OS updated, deleting browser cache regularly, keeping the audio device drivers updated, disabling hardware acceleration, and more.

  1. Can I fix the audio and video out of sync without the software?

With a few troubleshooting methods like changing the power plan, updating audio drivers, running an audio troubleshooter, and similar others you can try to fix the audio and video sync issue but there are several limitations to this solution and also you might fail in fixing the issue. Here 4DDiG File Repair-Video Repair works as the best alternative as there is surety of your issue getting fixed and that too quickly.

Part 4. Conclusion

So, no more worries about your audio and video out of sync as 4DDiG File Repair-Video Repair is there to take care of and fix the issue. Not only syncing, but several other video-related problems can be taken care of by the software like playback error codes, choppy videos, distorted videos, and more. The software can be quickly installed on your Windows as well as Mac system and it will be all set to look after all your video-related issues.  

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