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Comment effacer le cache et les données des applications sur Android?

Découvrez comment nettoyer le cache et les données des applications sur Android

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Vider le cache - c'est un message que nous avons probablement tous rencontré sur notre téléphone, ou sinon, nous le verrons probablement avec le temps. De plus, cela va de pair avec les informations sur la suppression des données d'application. On pense que ces deux opérations fonctionnent à merveille pour Android, mais connaissez-vous la différence entre ces messages similaires? Qu'est-ce qu'un cache vraiment? et qu'est-ce que les données d'application? Plus loin dans cet article, vous apprendrez quelle est la différence et comment traiter ces messages lorsque vous les voyez sur votre écran Android.

Clear cache and data

Clearing the cache or application data is quite a simple task that requires a few simple steps. However, this means that you may lose all stored data, but there are also positive sides to these operations. Clearing the cache, for example, helps to speed up the loading of pages in the browser. Below we present the difference in what it really is and how these two frequently appearing messages differ from each other.

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1. What is Cache?

Before we delve into the topic of application cache, let's try to understand what the cache itself really is. To make it easier to bring the subject closer, the cache is used to store temporary data and there is a specially reserved space for this. This data is generally responsible primarily for faster loading of all applications, additionally browsers and websites. Another way to remember this is to think of the cache as a tool to make it faster and faster. As an added bonus, in addition to offering a faster and smoother experience, the cache also helps reduce the amount of data processed and consumed.

You've probably noticed that when you restart your phone, initially the camera application or any other application opens quite slowly, and each subsequent attempt becomes faster? This is because the speed increases the first time you run the app is due to this cached data. Websites work on the same basis. This is because the browser stores some data including files such as images that were previously cached.

2. Clear app cache, what does it mean?

Now that you understand the concept of cache, now it will be easier for you to understand what the term clear application cache is also. In general, all activities here are done manually.

Although it is often the case that there is no need to manually manage cache data on Android smartphones, because Android is so designed that it is able to do it on its own, and not even pay attention to when the cleanup takes place. However, if you experience a problem with a non-working application or it starts to malfunction, then you can clear the application cache yourself.

Clearing application cache data gets rid of temporary files that have accumulated. However, keep in mind that getting rid of them does not guarantee better performance, and the application itself may even temporarily run slower the next time it is used.

App Data& Cache

3. Clear app data, what does it mean?

If you have not noticed the message clear application cache or clear application data, you will certainly see them in the near future. However, these two operations differ to a small extent. However, keep in mind that cleaning up application data is a more difficult process and a longer time. While the cache can be wiped with little risk to app settings, preferences, and saved states, wiping app data will erase/delete it entirely.

If you decide to wipe data in an application, you should know that this process basically resets the application to its default state, which makes the application work as it did when you first downloaded and installed it. To better illustrate this topic, let's use an example. Suppose you are using a healthy eating application where you have your progress and recipes saved. Clearing the cache will not affect these saved settings. But the deletion of stored data can, and in all likelihood, will.

4. When to use data wipe?

You may want to clear an app or cached data in several situations:

First, to save a lot of storage space. Some applications, or at least the most popular ones, may store several GB of data that you no longer need. In that case, you may want to wipe their data.
Another reason why you may want to wipe data is that there is a problem with an application that has bugs or is bothering you in some way.

5. How to clear app data or cached data?

On Android 11 and above, follow these steps to clear app data or cached data.

Settings > Apps > Apps > Storage > Choose App > Storage > Now click Clear Data & Clear Data.

6. Applications that increase productivity

There are many apps available that promise to increase your device's performance and speed. This is of course not true. In many cases, these apps simply provide one button to complete processes and clear cache, both of which are largely unnecessary on today's Android platform.

However, we recommend that you manually wipe your data if ever required and this message appears. Try not to do this often.

In conclusion, cleaning the application when the phone is slow or the memory is full or even errors appear may seem to be the best option, but only in the short term.
We advise against doing it every now and then, because the consequences may appear in the future.

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