Wie behebe ich den Fehler "iPhone konnte nicht aktiviert werden"?

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Ungültige IMEI.

"IPhone konnte nicht aktiviert werden" ist eine häufige Meldung für iPhone- oder iPad- Besitzer. Es kann viele Gründe geben, warum dies geschieht, und nicht immer reicht eine Möglichkeit aus, um diesen Fehler zu beheben. Keine Bange! Dieser Artikel zeigt Ihnen die möglichen Gründe, warum Sie Probleme haben, Ihr iPhone oder iPad zu aktivieren, und wie Sie damit umgehen können. Es ist nicht so schwierig, wie es scheint, aber bevor Sie sich für die Wartung des Geräts entscheiden, versuchen Sie zunächst die Schritte, die wir später in diesem Artikel beschreiben werden.


It may seem that the purchase of a new iPhone should not cause problems, but here we can, unfortunately, be disappointed. Just like any iPhone, it can cause a lot of problems, and such problems include phone activation. If you are among the people who saw the message 'Could not activate iPhone', don't worry. This problem and many others can be fixed. Follow the tips below and see how simple it is.


Reasons why you can not activate your iPhone

1. Check if Activation Lock is set

If you buy an iPhone, whether new or used, check that it is not associated with another person and an iCloud account. This may be the reason why you have an activation problem.

2. Possible problems with your network operator

When it comes to iPhone X activation issues, it appears that they were mostly related to US AT&T and Verizon customers.

3. Check the status of the activation server

The Apple server is responsible for activating the devices. It may be temporarily turned off or it may be overloaded. Fortunately, you can easily check the current server status.


4. The SIM card may not be supported

The SIM card in your device may not work with the iPhone.

5. Network connection problem

There may be problems with the internet connection or the iPhone itself. Check that you have constant access to the network and that the connection is not disconnected.

iPhone 12

How to iPhone Fix Activation Errors?

1. Check the SIM card in the phone

You cannot activate iPhone without a SIM card.

2. Wait a few moments

It's possible that Apple's servers are busy or temporarily overloaded. As we mentioned above, you can check the status of Apple's activation server.

3. Remove the SIM card and insert it again

It is possible that the SIM card is not properly seated in the SIM card slot, so reinsert it and see if that makes a difference.

4. Reset your iPhone

The method of restarting or resetting the iPhone depends on the model you have. Some models do not have a Home button, while others use it as software. HERE you can check how to reset your iPhone depending on its model.

5. Unlock Activation Lock

Apple has introduced security features to its iPhones to avoid data theft or sharing. Also, if the phone you are trying to activate has Activation Lock, it may still be locked to the previous user. To remove Activation Lock, you'll need to enter the previous user's Apple ID and password or ask them to sign in to Find My iPhone and remove that iPhone from their iCloud account. Another way is to contact AppleCare or go to an Apple Store of your choice and if you can provide proof of ownership and Apple is able to confirm that this is your iPhone, they may be able to remove the Activation Lock for you.

6. Check, if you do not have a locked iPhone

If your iPhone is locked to a specific cellular network, you may not be able to use a SIM card from another network in the network. The previous network should unlock your iPhone so you can use it with a new SIM card operator.

7. Check if your Wi-Fi network operates

8. Try an alternative Wi-Fi network, if you can, to Apple's servers were blocked (if you do not have a Wi-Fi network, connect your iPhone to your Mac or PC and use iTunes.

9. Try to activate the iPhone via iTunes

  •  Here are the steps you should take if you want to try to activate the iPhone via iTunes:
  • Make sure that iTunes is up to date.
  • Turn iPhone off and connect it to your computer using a USB cable.
  • Turn on the iPhone and iTunes should start (or open iTunes if it does not).
  • When iTunes detects your iPhone, it should ask you to do some steps to activate the iPhone.
  • If you do not happen automatically, select your device in the left pane and you should see the option Activate your iPhone.
  • Sign in to your Apple ID and click Continue.

10. Call your provider

If none of the above steps do resolve the problem, contact your service provider for advice. And if they can't solve the problem.

11. Contact Apple

There may be an issue with your iPhone that is preventing it from activating. Apple should be able to help iPhone or replace it if it is damaged and is still under warranty.


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