Die besten FITBIT Smartwatches und Tracker

Finden Sie heraus, welche FITBIT Smartwatch die beste ist

Ungültige IMEI.

Wenn Sie ein Fan von Laufen und allen Arten von Sport sind, möchten Sie wahrscheinlich wissen, welche Fortschritte Sie gemacht haben. Die FITBIT Smartwatch ist das perfekte Gerät für diesen Fall. Dank seiner umfangreichen Funktion können Sie viele Aktivitäten gleichzeitig steuern, einschließlich Puls, Herzfrequenz oder Anzahl der durchgeführten Schritte. Es gibt viele Modelle auf dem Markt. Welches ist das beste? Fitbit Sense oder umgekehrt? Im Folgenden werden die Vor- und Nachteile ausgewählter Modelle vorgestellt.

Fitbit smartwatches

FITBIT is currently one of the most recognizable brands around the world. Most of us, or at least people doing various sports, have probably encountered this brand more than once.
FITBIT smartwatches make life easier and allow you to control your progress. We have many brands in the market, but which one is the best? Which FITBIT smartwatch should you choose? What are the pros and cons of each of them? Below we will try to dispel your doubts and compare each smartwatch.


1. Purchase the right FITBIT smartwatch

Each of us, when buying any device, is guided by our needs. If you plan to buy a running device, a smartwatch with built-in GPS or connected GPS function will work great here. The good news is that all current generation FITBIT smartwatches have one or the other. In turn, if you are primarily looking for something that will make a great impression on you, here you should look at something with a larger display from the limited edition. However, if you do not pay too much attention to functionality, each FITBIT smartwatch will meet your expectations.

2. Smartwaches vs. Trackers

Before we delve into the subject and comparing devices, we must first emphasize what the difference between trackers and smartwatches is.

  • Smartwatches - usually they are larger in themselves, their display is much larger than in trackers and using the application is more transparent and convenient.
  • Trackers - usually smaller in appearance, they are more like a wristband.

3. The best FITBIT smartwatches and trackers

  • Fitbit Versa 3 - so far it is on the podium when it comes to Fitbit smartwatches. The Versa 3 series is pretty much the same as its more expensive relative Fitbit Sense. The difference is only in the number of sensors, which are redundant anyway.
  • Fitbit Sense - is undoubtedly the best Fitbit to track health, thanks to the extensive ECG, EDA, and skin temperature sensors, it is perfect for people who have health problems or want to have everything under control.
  • Fitbit Charge 4 - in turn, this is the best fitness tracker you can buy and dream of. Perfect for runners, because it has a built-in GPS function.
  • Fitbit Versa 2 - if you are looking for a cheap smartwatch with optimized functions, the Versa 2 will be the best option among all Fitbit models.
  • Fitbit Inspire 2 - Features Fitbit's best barebone fitness tracker. As an added bonus, it comes with a full year of Fitbit Premium on its own.
  • Fitbit Ace 2 - is one of all trackers that are perfect for children.

Below we present the pros and cons of selected models

Fitbit VFitbit versa 3ersa 3

The Fitbit Versa 3 is by far the best Fitbit smartwatch in the current market that you can buy right now. It may not be as feature-rich and technically, but this is the one most people should buy when looking for a new wearable device.

The Fitbit Versa 3 itself provides the right balance between the smartwatch and the tracker. When it comes to functionality, the Versa 3 has Google Assistant built-in, Amazon Alexa, and it supports Fitbit Pay. Additionally, it is equipped with a memory for music. Everyone who buys it will find something for themselves, perfect for runners because it has a built-in GPS function, and for people who do other sports.

Versa 3 compared to Fitbit Sense is much cheaper and excels among smartwatches. Even though Fitbit Sense comes with extra sensors, they're not useful enough for most people. Therefore, its higher price follows from this.

  • Good battery life
  • A quite accurate tracking health
  • Built-in GPS function
  • Google Assistant and Alexa support
  • Loudspeaker with support for phone calls
  • Decent price
  • A small collection of applications available
  • Limited music to two services
  • A capacitive button could be better
  • Special charging cable
Fitbit Sense

Fitbit Sense

Fitbit Sense is undoubtedly a smartwatch that is perfect for runners. Thanks to the built-in GPS function and the ECG monitor, it meets the basic requirements. In addition, the new PurePulse 2.0 heart rate sensor has been improved compared to the Versa 2. Another advantage that is worth mentioning is the new straps with a quick-release mechanism.

The equipment with new sensors unfortunately makes Fitbit a bit of a problem. The EDA sensor that is used to track stress needs some work to be fit for purpose. When it comes to monitoring SpO2, it causes a lot of confusion. Even so, Fitbit Sense is our top choice for health tracking, although compared to the Versa 3 it is much more expensive.

  • High-class premium design
  • Improved straps with a quick-release mechanism
  • Accurate GPS and heart rate sensors
  • Skin temperature sensor
  • Detailed sleep tracking
  • Approximately 6 days battery life
  • The induction button needs improvement
  • SpO2 tracking requires a dedicated watch face
  • The EDA sensor is not precise
  • Fitbit OS needs work
Fitbit Charge 4










Fitbit Charge 4

Fitbit Charge 4 is the best tracker for people, in turn, for people who do fitness. Compared to the Fitbit Charge 3, it is more precise and is the best in the Charge series. We find a built-in GPS and a function like Fitbit Pay, which is standard on all models.

The only reason you should consider purchasing a different wearable in this price range is if you want a smartwatch more or a tracker. Depending on what functions you need and whether you pay attention to the appearance of the device itself.

  • Elegant appearance
  • Good battery life
  • Fitbit Pay on all models
  • Refined sleep tracking
  • Accurate GPS and heart rate sensors
  • The induction button is quite small
  • GPS tracking takes time
  • The heart rate monitor may be lagging



Fitbit Versa 2Fitbit Versa 2

The Fitbit Versa 2, in turn, offers some much-needed improvements over its predecessor, the Versa 3. The AMOLED display is a welcome change, all models now come with Fitbit Pay, and Fitbit continues to add useful fitness and health features. According to the information, the company is working on improving the smartwatch, but for now, it is far behind. The Fitbit Versa 2 also supports Amazon Alexa, but you may run into issues with it. There is also a lack of a directory for many applications, but that is true for all models, not just this one.

  • Quite clear OLED display
  • Accurate fitness and health tracking
  • Sleep tracking option
  • Fitbit Pay feature
  • Alexa built-in, but there are problems
  • Fitbit OS takes a lot of work
  • No GPS function
  • Removable straps are a pain
  • Amazon Alexa needs a lot of improvement



Fitbit Inspire 2








Fitbit Inspire 2

The Fitbit Inspire 2 is not the most feature-packed Fitbit tracker so far, but it's also probably the best tracker option available when it comes to trackers. The Inspire 2 offers basic activity tracking, 24/7 heart rate monitoring, and connected GPS for runners and cyclists. Now, the real benefit of buying a Fitbit Inspire 2 is a free one year of Fitbit Premium included with every purchase. As you know, the premium version allows you to unlock more features and amenities, so you should think about buying it.

  • Pretty good price
  • Light and shapely housing
  • Great for sleep tracking
  • Good heart rate tracking
  • GPS function
  • The design could be better
  • The side buttons are sometimes a problem
  • Display brightness to be improved
  • There is much room for improvement beyond the Premium version


Fitbit Ace 2



Fitbit Ace 3

Introducing the next Fitbit Ace 3 model, which is one of the best fitness trackers for kids. It is true that it does not differ much from the Fitbit Ace 2, but when it comes to several important changes, you can definitely mention the design that will delight younger people.

The color scheme itself is very good and there is plenty to choose from, but the touchscreen still leaves a lot to be desired as it is monochrome. Added new animated watch faces should add a better effect to the tracker. The Fitbit Ace 3 also features sleep tracking and a handy do not disturb mode.

The price itself leaves much to be desired and compared to Ace 2 it is worth considering whether it is worth overpaying. You can find sales on Amazon.

  • Perfect for kids
  • Light and handy
  • Many colors available
  • Animated tips
  • Sleep tracker
  • Do not disturb feature
  • Enough expensive
  • Screen quality to be improved
  • Monochrome screen










Haven't found your model?

Below we present the rest of the available models that you can compare with a description of the functions. You can click HERE or the photo below to be redirected to the list of FITBIT models.
In addition, on our channel, you can see many available videos about Fitbit. CLICK HERE


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